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My Winter Warmers

Updated: Oct 5, 2020

Hi everyone xx It's been a legendary few months as autumn got crispy underfoot.

I've really enjoyed returning for a second autumn season with Ashley Hutchings, playing our "Beginnings of Fairport Convention" show. We've been all across rural England, from Quorn to Desford to Ibstock - selling out most venues! - which typically are either the Village Hall or (if crowds demand) the local Church. I couldn't love England more after all this and its fine & lovely people. Not a show passes without someone coming over to greet Ashley and say "you don't remember me, but I saw you play at the Psychedelic Muffin in 1971...." :-)

Now as for my solo act. In the 6 months since Tall Tales was released, I have really started stretching out and enjoying my shows like never before. To round off 2019, I returned to my hometown PICKERING for a fabbo night at The Cockpit, Dave Crabtree's brilliant new basement venue. So many familiar faces - albeit a bit weird seeing everyone installed on their airline seats :-0 It is the coolest thing ever!

Doors to manual - fasten seatbelts - here's to a great 2020

B x x x


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